Last Friday I awoke with this startling revelation: Michigan lawmakers Like Potholes - Don't Like their

Are Michigan Potholes Here To Stay ?
So it seems the Michigan Potholes are here to stay, and so are our lawmakers. But the lawmakers are not staying in Lansing. Nooooo. They are going on summer break. And the Michigan governor is not going to call them back to fix our roads. Not after the "guff" he took last year by doing such a terrible thing; making the lawmakers do their job. That tells me that the decision makers in Lansing Like our Potholes but Don't Like Us. You and me.
Actually I have been so upset about the crazy lack of performance in Lansing that I have not been able to write here for several days. Really ! It's like their inability & refusal to do their jobs has infected me. Well I took a pill and I'm over that now and I am going to write more than ever about Michigans Lousy Roads.
Let's face it, there are a lot of important things that need to be addressed each session in Lansing. Most issues face difficult to overcome opposition before a decision can be made one way or another. But I have yet to talk to or read a comment from a Michigander who does not agree that Michigan roads are dangerous and seriously in need of repair. And no one I have talked to seems to sympathize with the ones in charge of doing something about the need, but taking a break instead. Boo Hoo. I have read comments from paid representatives ranging from 'It's a complicated thing, fixing our roads and we shouldn't rush in to anything' to "It's no big deal" Can you believe that! No big deal, having to not only suffer expensive car damage but people being injured AND dying !!! See article 'Man Dies Hitting Pothole'
So Michigan Potholes are Here to Stay - But ineffective and indecisive Michigan Lawmakers should not be. Join me in telling them "Either Fix Our Roads or Loose Your Job."
Please comment here or send me an email. Say It Loud and Strong...
Fix Our Roads !
Just Saying. Wish you would say so too.
As always - Drive Careful,
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