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June 25, 2014

Cloud On The Horizon For Michigan Roads ?

You have heard the expression "there are clouds on the horizon" or something like that, and think of something bad forthcoming. Well sometimes an interesting cloud can be cool and maybe something good.

Cool Cloud Means Good Roads ?
Saw this on Channel 7 TV News in Detroit the other day. It's both cool and something good. Here's why. It's cool because it's a cloud shaped like a mitten, the Great State of Michigan, at least from the photographers angle. It's good because I say it is. It's telling me that someone bigger than just me is looking over Michigan and is going to make sure the roads are fixed.

Who Is Saying "Just Fix The Roads" ?

Now who is that bigger someone who has the power to really get done what the career politicians in Lansing won't ? It is you. And Me. Us. We have to talk to the Lansing lawmakers like "God from above" telling them they will take action this fall to fix Michigan roads or, well you know. I'm sure you have your opinion where God sends people that don't do what he says (it sure isn't back to their jobs in the legislature).

So, let's put the "Fear of God" in them. Maybe, just Maybe they will listen. If they know better.

Soon to come:
  • List of Michigan Lawmaker contact information.
  • Cool stuff you can get to send the message out: Just Fix The Roads !!

Drive Careful,

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