Now that prop 1 has crashed in flames, where is the Safe Roads Yes campaign?
Have they continued in the fight to get us "safe roads" ? Safe to say, they have not.During the months before May 1st, I must have received about twenty robo calls from them. Saw and heard about 50 commercials. Each of these attempts to frighten and coerce me with deceptive arguments and outright threats to vote "Yes", but they simply made me laugh. Now what about the refuse left behind from this utter political failure ?
The last few days I have looked up "Safe Roads Yes" in search engines, and visited the old website. The site is still active - or inactive if you prefer.

Now I am good web designer and sales professional, having years of experience in:
- Graphic arts
- Technical writing
- Designing and Authoring of web sites
- Public Speaking
- Outdoor advertising
Why have they not either published an Epilogue, something about 'Where We Go From Here', or at least taken it down? Or maybe keeping it updated with news about how the effort in the Lansing legislature is progressing?
Guess it wasn't safe roads they wanted after all. They wanted the money !! It was largely supported by construction trade associations, the likes of The Michigan Infrastructure & Transportation Association, Laborers’ International Union of North America, The Michigan Association of Counties, Michigan Education Association, Michigan Concrete Association, the Asphalt Paving Association, and so on.
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Filings with the Secretary of State's Office show much of the money for Safe Roads Yes! came from the construction industry. Now I am not against making money at what I do, it is of course natural that road building interests would support the effort and the advertising campaign to pass Prop. 1. But why not call it what it now apparently was. A $afe Roads Ye$ campaign. And here is a web page I'll bet a lot of folks wish would disappear real soon. On BALOOTPEDIA it lists the supporters of note for Prop 1. Check it out HERE . About half way down on the page is that section.The Safe Roads Yes cause raised more than $5 million in two months. Isn't there any of that money left over to do something respectable with the website ??? As it is, it is an eyesore and an embarrassment to anyone who participated in it.
Safe Roads Yes on Facebook - May 18, 2015 Don't forget to Vote ! |
Safe Roads Yes - Do the right thing.
ead more at:
Just Sayin'
Will B
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