Will Proposal 1 spell the end of the World?
Do you believe in fate? Even if I did, I would not know how to translate this. One of those things that could mean one thing or another.
World Ending? Or Another Session In Lansing? |
I recently found out that the lease I have on this website name, "www.potholeparadise.com" ends on, you guessed it, May 5th.
Of course I have made sure to renew it for a few more years, but that is a funny and interesting fact. When I got it, I certainly had no idea that a lame duck legislature would pass the buck of fixing our roads to the people they work for, especially in a complicated proposal with all sorts of special interest goodies added on and for nothing less than a permanent sales tax increase! All to be voted on May 5th.
So then, is May 5th the last day anything needs to be said about fixing Michigan roads? Will all things be as they should be as we drive around our beautiful state, and we'll never have to worry about the issue again? All after May 5th?
Let's face it. There is no Santy Clause, Easter Bunny or Man in the Moon. Get it?
Now it seems that polls are showing that the proposal is doomed. All the while people like Roger Martin with the Safe Roads Yes campaign says, “We’ve never had a May, off-year, single-ballot-issue election ever in the history of Michigan,” and so “For that reason and other reasons, we put absolutely no stock in any of the polls taken so far.”
Yeah, OK. Polls don't mean a thing. Not even several. One after the other. Still it seems like a "Plan B" would be in order about now.
And that is another thing. Even when the proposal was first approved to the dismay of so many, no "Plan B" was discussed. As if the lawmakers just laid the egg and then stuck their heads in a hole. I think that was and is a bad decision.
But some are talking about a Plan B, especially with the probability of defeat of Prop. 1. One web article I read discussed some options: There is no Plan B? Here are four viable options…
Get this. That article is on a web site called 'SayNoToHigherTaxes.org' . Talk about a great web site name. What with all the tax issues in all the states in the U.S.A., and they got that name!? And, it seems to deal mainly with the Michigan Road Issue. They better check and make sure That name doesn't run out on May 5th !! That's all I can say.
Anyway, there is certainly more to come on this subject which we all face every day we drive. How to Fix Our Roads in Michigan. May 5th will not fix anything.
And - don't forget to get your FIX OUR ROADS bumper sticker. I'm sure they will still be good and meaningful after the 5th :~)
Drive Careful,
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