Know What Proposal 1 Will Really Cost?
Do you hate driving on our lousy Michigan roads? What's more, do you hate having to pay big repair bills caused by our lousy Michigan roads?
I do. Last year I spent hundreds of dollars on each of two vehicles to repair damage directly caused by hitting potholes on my local roads. Passing Prop. 1 is supposed to stop that cost with smooth roads all over the state. Really?
In fact, a well researched report cited by The Michigan Transportation Team (MTT) states that Michigan drivers pay an annual average of $357.00 in bad-road-related repairs.
Now an AP report has come out saying that the average cost to taxpayers in Michigan if Proposal 1 is approved can be as high as $545.00 per household next year.
If voters approve a measure on Michigan's May 5 ballot to improve roads and bridges, the $2.1 billion tax hike would average $545 per household in 2016 — or $45 a month — according to calculations by The Associated Press.The number is an average of course, however it is one that can not be ignored. There is going to be a cost to fix our roads. Just seems the lawmakers we hired do not want to be the ones to do it, raise the money themselves. Not good on their resume when they to go be re-elected.
And related to whats real and what's not, A new 60-second ad supporting the Proposal 1 road funding plan has several exaggerated claims, according to a Detroit Free Press analysis.
A proposal to raise the state sales tax and dole out the money where ever is not a solution to the problem we are talking about. Lousy Michigan roads. What is needed is a well thought out solution. Not one thrown together hours before the end of a fruitless legislative session on the important subject. I am still frustrated that there is no REAL talk about a "Plan B". A road plan, not a money grab.
So before you vote on Proposal 1 on May 5th, make sure you get all the facts. I have and I know how I will vote, you know :~) ?
More in a bit. The voluptuous lady has not sung yet.
Drive Careful,