They Both Suck ! Insurance Companies Will Raise Rates With A Michigan Pothole Damage Claim.
Saw a report on Auto Insurance companies and how they treat us when we file a pothole claim. They raise our rates. So not only will the State of Michigan not pay for pothole damage (statistically speaking), it may be better not to ask your insurance company to pay either. The increase in your rate may cost more over the long run then paying for repairs out of your own pocket. Unless of course it is a very expensive repair. We'll all have to just do the math.
So why do they raise our rates on a pothole claim if it's not our fault ? After all we did not create the pothole (unless you voted for this legislature :~) Well it's simple they say. Its a "one car accident". Okay I can't argue that. But it's still not my fault.
Not so says the insurance company. Because there is no other car involved, it must therefore be your fault. Like backing into a pole in a parking lot or leaving your car in neutral so it rolls and hits a tree. What the hell ?! What if I had no choice but to hit the damn pothole or otherwise swerve and hit another car ? Would that be a two, or a one car accident since the pothole was evil enough to cause the accident ? It's all really stupid.
So Take This Test: Which one below is Definitely NOT your fault ?
Two Car Accident |
One Car / One Michigan Pothole Accident |
It's not a trick question. Better get a 'Pothole Attorney' like I said last month.
Drive Careful,
and also - Hello Rowan !
Thank you for helping people get the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!! car insurance cost