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February 9, 2015

Obama Budget Includes Overseas Profit Tax To Fund Infrastructure

How Should I Vote on the Michigan Sales Tax Increase ?

The other day I read this article online about the Presidents proposed budget.
You can see it Here. It is supposed to have a part allowing for an increase on some overseas corporate profits for the purpose of upgrading and repairing the nations infrastructure, i.e. roads. So is the rest of the country passing up Michigan when it comes to fixing our infrastructure/roads ? While I am still trying to decide where I stand on raising the Michigan sales tax one percent to seven percent, I read that article and wondered: 'How can you pay to fix anything without money ?'.

Let's say I spend $10,000.00 this year, cash money for things in this state. If the sales tax were 1% higher than it is now at 6%, then it would cost me $100.00 more in sales tax. Now I am just using the amount spent this year as an example in order to wrap my head around what the numbers really are. But consider this: Last year I spent well over $1,500.00 on pothole related repairs to just one vehicle of mine. Would I rather have spent $100.00 for my share to fix the roads and not have had the damage and expense ? Hell ya. But would the money actually have fixed those potholes I hit, or might hit this year ? What about all the other stuff the tax increase is supposed to be spent on ? Just how much and when will the dollars from a tax increase be put into road repairs ?

So you see, I have a lot of questions about a sales tax increase in Michigan before I can make an educated vote. And I worry that many people will not make an educated vote but rather vote based on the propaganda ,either for or against the tax, that they will see on the TV, in print or on the Internet and such. More photos of holes in the roads, busted cars and maybe Rick Snyder standing in his underwear on TV telling us that bumping up the sales tax 'is a win for motorists' (ask me about the underwear ad and I'll tell you).

That is the BIG Question.

Drive Careful,

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